- A. Abiad, A. Gavrilyuk, A. Khramova, I. Ponomarenko,
A linear programming bound for sum-rank metric codes,
arXiv:2406.15926, 2024.
- A. Abiad, G. Alfarano, A. Ravagnani,
Eigenvalue bounds and alternating rank-metric codes,
arXiv:2405.09254, 2024.
- A. Abiad, A. Neri, L. Reijnders,
Eigenvalue bounds for the distance-t chromatic number of a graph and their application to perfect Lee codes,
arXiv:2404.14839, 2024.
- A. Abiad, A. Jabal, L. Reijnders,
The clique number of the exact distance t-power graph: complexity and eigenvalue bounds,
arXiv:2402.00189, 2024.
- A. Abiad, A. Dawar, O. Zapata,
First-order logic characterizations of distance-regularized and controllable graphs,
arXiv:2210.05482, 2023.
- A. Abiad, C. Alvarez, A. Messegue,
The Diameter of Sum Basic Equilibria Games,
arXiv:2304.12795, 2023.
- A. Abiad, A. Khramova,
Constructing cospectral hypergraphs,
Linear and Multilinear Algebra, to appear, 2024.
- A. Abiad, C. Alfaro, R. Villagran,
Distinguishing graphs by their spectra, Smith normal forms and complements,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, to appear, 2024.
- A. Abiad, B.A. Curtis, M. Flagg, H.T. Hall, J.C.-H. Lin, B. Shader,
The inverse nullity pair problem and the strong nullity interlacing property,
Linear Algebra and Appl., 699: 539-568, 2024.
- A. Abiad, S. Zeijlemaker,
A unified framework for the Expander Mixing Lemma for irregular graphs and its applications,
Linear Algebra and Appl., 702: 19-45, 2024.
- A. Abiad, C. Dalfo, M.A. Fiol,
Note on the product of the largest and the smallest eigenvalue of a graph,
Special Matrices,to appear 2024.
- A. Abiad, A.P. Khramova, A. Ravagnani,
Eigenvalue Bounds for Sum-Rank-Metric Codes,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 70(7): 4843-48554, 2024.
- A. Abiad, M. D Boeck, S. Zeijlemaker,
On the existence of small strictly Neumaier graphs,
Graphs and Combinatorics, 40(51), 2024.
- A. Abiad, R. Simoens, S. Zeijlemaker,
On the diameter and zero forcing number of some graph classes in the Johnson, Grassmann and Hamming association scheme,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 348: 221-230, 2024.
- A. Abiad, H. Koerts,
On the k-independence number of graph products,
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 44: 983, 2024.
- A. Abiad, F. Belardo, A. Khramova,
A switching method for constructing
cospectral gain graphs,
Discrete Math., 347(4), 113838, 2024.
- A. Abiad, J. D'haeseleer, W.H. Haemers, R. Simoens,
Cospectral mates for generalized Johnson and Grassmann graph,
Linear Algebra and Appl., 678: 1-15, 2023.
- A. Abiad, S.M. Fallat, M. Kempton, R.H. Levene, P. Oblak, H. Smigoc, M. Tait, K. Vander Meulen,
Bordering of Symmetric Matrices and an Application to the Minimum Number of Distinct Eigenvalues for the Join of Graphs,
Linear Algebra and Appl., 679: 104-126, 2023.
- A. Abiad, H. Koerts,
On the complexity of the k-independence number and the h-diameter of a graph,
Matematica Contemporanea, 50: 30-38, 2023.
- A. Abiad, A. Dawar, O. Zapata,
Descriptive Complexity of Controllable Graphs,
Procedia Computer Science 223: 20-27, 2023.
- A. Abiad, L. de Lima, D. Desai, K. Guo, L. Hogben, J. Madrid,
Positive and Negative Square Energies of Graphs,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 39, 2023.
- A. Abiad, L. de Lima, S. Kalantarzadeh, M. Mohammadi, C. Oliveira,
Bounding the sum of the largest signless Laplacian eigenvalues of a graph,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 340: 315-326, 2023.
- A. Abiad, B. Brimkov, S. Hayat, A. Khramova, J.H. Koolen,
Extending a conjecture of Graham and Lovasz on the distance characteristic polynomial,
Linear Algebra and Appl., to appear, 2023.
- A. Abiad, A. Carmona, A. Encinas, M.J. Jimenez,
The M-matrix group inverse problem for distance-biregular graphs ,
Computational and Applied Mathematics, 42(158), 2023.
- A. Abiad, C. Dalfo, M.A. Fiol, S. Zeijlemaker,
On inertia and ratio type bounds for the k-independence number of a graph and their relationship,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 333: 96-109, 2023.
- A. Abiad, M. De Boeck, W. Castryck, J.H. Koolen, S. Zeijlemaker,
An infinite class of Neumaier graphs and non-existence results,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 193: 105684, 2023.
- A. Abiad, S. Akbari, M.H. Fakharan, A. Mehdizadeh,
A bound for the p-domination number of a graph in terms of its eigenvalue multiplicities,
Linear Algebra and Appl., 658: 319-330, 2022.
- A. Abiad, B. Brimkov, J. Breen, T.R. Cameron, H. Gupta, R. Villagran,
Constructions of cospectral graphs with different zero forcing numbers,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 38, 2022.
- A. Abiad, C. Hojny, S. Zeijlemaker,
Characterizing and computing weight-equitable partitions of graphs,
Linear Algebra and Appl., 645: 30-51, 2022.
- A. Abiad, C. Elphick, P. Wocjan,
Spectral upper bound on the quantum k-independence number of a graph,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 38, 2022.
- A. Abiad, C. Alfaro, K. Heysse, M.C. Vargas,
Codeterminantal graphs,
Linear Algebra and Appl., 650:1-25, 2022.
- A. Abiad, G. Coutinho, M.A. Fiol, B.D. Nogueira, S. Zeijlemaker,
Optimization of eigenvalue bounds for the independence and chromatic number of graph powers,
Discrete Math., 345(3): 112706, 2022.
- A. Abiad, M. Geldmacher, A. Grigoriev,
The Kaledoiscopic Game of Life,
Complex Systems, 31(1):1-58, 2022.
- A. Abiad, R. Mulas, D. Zhang,
Coloring the normalized Laplacian for oriented hypergraphs,
Linear Algebra and Appl., 629:192-207, 2021.
- A. Abiad, C. Alfaro,
Enumeration of cospectral and coinvariant graphs,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 408, 2021.
- A. Abiad, B. De Bruyn, J. D'haeseleer, J. H.Koolen,
Neumaier graphs with few eigenvalues,
Des. Codes Crypt., 90:2003-2019, 2022.
- A. Abiad, B. Brimkov, A. Grigoriev,
On the status sequences of trees,
Theoretical Computer Science, 856:110-120, 2021.
- A. Abiad, A. Grigoriev, S. Niemzok,
Printed Circuit Boards Isomorphism: an Experimental Study,
Computers&Industrial Engineering, 148:106715, 2020.
- A. Abiad, S. Gribling, D. Lahaye, M. Mnich, G. Regts, L. Vena, G. Verweij, P. Zwaneveld,
On the complexity of solving a decision problem with flow-depending costs: the case of the IJsselmeer dikes,
Discrete Opt., 37:100565, 2020.
- A. Abiad,
A characterization and an application of weight-regular partitions of graphs,
Linear Algebra and Appl., 569: 164-174, 2019.
- A. Abiad, S. Butler, W.H. Haemers,
Graph switching, 2-ranks, and graphical Hadamard matrices,
Discrete Math., 342(10):2850-2855, 2019.
- A. Abiad, G. Coutinho, M.A. Fiol,
On the k-independence number of graphs,
Discrete Math., 342(10):2875-2885, 2019.
- A. Abiad, B. Brimkov, X. Martinez-Rivera, J. Zhang, S. O,
Spectral bounds for the connectivity of regular graphs of given order,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 34:428-443, 2018.
- A. Abiad,
A characterization of weight-regular partitions of graphs,
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 69:293-298, 2018.
- A. Abiad, G. Aalipour, Z. Berikkyzy, L. Hogben, F.H.J. Kenter, J.C.-H. Lin, M. Tait,
Proof of a conjecture of Graham and Lovász concerning unimodality of coefficients of the distance characteristic polynomial of a tree,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 34:373-380, 2018.
- A. Abiad, B. Brimkov, A. Erey, L. Leshock, X. Martinez-Rivera, S. O, S.-Y. Song, J. Williford,
On the Wiener index, distance cospectrality and transmission regular graphs,
Discrete Appl Math, 230:1-10, 2017.
- A. Abiad, Q. Yang, J.H. Koolen,
An application of Hoffman graphs for spectral characterizations of graphs,
Electron. J. Comb., 24(1):#P1.12, 2017.
- A. Abiad, S. Cioaba, M. Tait,
Spectral bounds for the k-independence number of a graph,
Linear Algebra and Appl., 510:160-170, 2016.
- A. Abiad and 9 coauthors,
On the Distance Spectra of Graphs,
Linear Algebra and Appl., 497:66-87, 2016.
- A. Abiad, W.H. Haemers,
Switched symplectic graphs and their 2-ranks,
Des. Codes Crypt., 81(1):35-41, 2016.
- A. Abiad, E.R. van Dam, M.A. Fiol,
Some Spectral and Quasi-Spectral Characterizations of Distance-Regular Graphs,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 143:1-18, 2016.
- A. Abiad, A.E. Brouwer, W.H. Haemers,
Godsil-McKay switching and isomorphism,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 28:4-11, 2015.
- A. Abiad, M.A. Fiol, W.H. Haemers, G. Perarnau,
An Interlacing Approach for Bounding the Sum of Laplacian Eigenvalues of Graphs,
Linear Algebra and Appl., 34:11-21, 2014.
- A. Abiad, C. Dalfo, M.A. Fiol,
Algebraic Characterizations of Regularity Properties in Bipartite Graphs,
European J. Combin., 34(8):1223-1231, 2013.
- A. Abiad, W.H. Haemers,
Cospectral graphs and regular orthogonal matrices of level 2,
Electron. J. Comb., 19(3):#P13, 2012.
- A. Abiad, N. Ferrer-Anglada, V. Lloveras, J. Vidal-Gancedo, S. Roth,
Electron spin resonance study of single-walled carbon nanotubes,
Physica status solidi (b), 248:2564-2567, 2011.
- A. Abiad, N. Ferrer-Anglada, S. Roth,
Electron spin resonance on single-walled carbon nanotubes obtained from different sources,
Physica status solidi (b), 247:2823-2826, 2010.
Conference proceedings
- A. Abiad, J. D'haeseleer, R. Simoens,
Cospectral generalized Johnson and Grassmann graphs,
Discrete Mathematics Days 2022. Tabera Alonso, L. (ed.). Editorial Universidad de Cantabria: Santander, p. 335.
- A. Abiad, B. Brimkov, S. Hayat, A. Khramova, J.H. Koolen,
Extending a conjecture of Graham and Lovasz on the distance characteristic polynomial,
Discrete Mathematics Days 2022. Tabera Alonso, L. (ed.). Editorial Universidad de Cantabria: Santander, p. 335.
- A. Abiad, M.A. Fiol, W.H. Haemers, G. Perarnau,
An Interlacing Approach for Bounding the Sum of Laplacian Eigenvalues of Graphs,
The seventh European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications: EuroComb 2013.
PhD thesis
- A. Abiad,
Spectral Characterizations of Graphs,
Ph.D. thesis,
Tilburg University, June 2015.