
  1. A. Abiad, J. Zhou,
    Unified bounds for the independence number of graph powers,
  2. A. Abiad, N. van de Berg, R. Simoens,
    Switching methods of level 2 for the construction of cospectral graphs,
  3. A. Abiad, A. Neri, L. Reijnders,
    Eigenvalue bounds for the distance-t chromatic number of a graph and their application to perfect Lee codes,
    Journal of Algebra and its Applications, to appear, 2025.
  4. A. Abiad, G. Alfarano, A. Ravagnani,
    Eigenvalue bounds and alternating rank-metric codes,
    Journal of Algebra and its Applications, to appear, 2025.
  5. A. Abiad, L. Peters,
    Switching graphs and Hadamard matrices,
    The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematic, to appear, 2025.
  6. A. Abiad, A. Gavrilyuk, A. Khramova, I. Ponomarenko,
    A linear programming bound for sum-rank metric codes,
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 71(1):317-329, 2025.
  7. A. Abiad, W. Bosma, T. van Veluw,
    Hoffman coloring of graphs,
    Linear Algebra and Appl., 710:129-150, 2025.
  8. A. Abiad, A. Jabal, L. Reijnders,
    The clique number of the exact distance t-power graph: complexity and eigenvalue bounds,
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 363:55-70, 2025.
  9. A. Abiad, C. Alfaro, R. Villagran,
    Distinguishing graphs by their spectra, Smith normal forms and complements,
    Applied Mathematics and Computation, 490:129198, 2025.
  10. A. Abiad, C. Alvarez, A. Messegue,
    The Diameter of Sum Basic Equilibria Games,
    Theoretical Computer Science, 1018:114807, 2024.
  11. A. Abiad, A. Khramova,
    Constructing cospectral hypergraphs,
    Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 1-12, 2024.
  12. A. Abiad, B.A. Curtis, M. Flagg, H.T. Hall, J.C.-H. Lin, B. Shader,
    The inverse nullity pair problem and the strong nullity interlacing property,
    Linear Algebra and Appl., 699:539-568, 2024.
  13. A. Abiad, S. Zeijlemaker,
    A unified framework for the Expander Mixing Lemma for irregular graphs and its applications,
    Linear Algebra and Appl., 702:19-45, 2024.
  14. A. Abiad, C. Dalfo, M.A. Fiol,
    Note on the product of the largest and the smallest eigenvalue of a graph,
    Special Matrices, 12(1):20240008, 2024.
  15. A. Abiad, A.P. Khramova, A. Ravagnani,
    Eigenvalue Bounds for Sum-Rank-Metric Codes,
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 70(7):4843-48554, 2024.
  16. A. Abiad, M. De Boeck, S. Zeijlemaker,
    On the existence of small strictly Neumaier graphs,
    Graphs and Combinatorics, 40(51), 2024.
  17. A. Abiad, R. Simoens, S. Zeijlemaker,
    On the diameter and zero forcing number of some graph classes in the Johnson, Grassmann and Hamming association scheme,
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 348:221-230, 2024.
  18. A. Abiad, H. Koerts,
    On the k-independence number of graph products,
    Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 44:983, 2024.
  19. A. Abiad, F. Belardo, A. Khramova,
    A switching method for constructing cospectral gain graphs,
    Discrete Math., 347(4), 113838, 2024.
  20. A. Abiad, J. D'haeseleer, W.H. Haemers, R. Simoens,
    Cospectral mates for generalized Johnson and Grassmann graph,
    Linear Algebra and Appl., 678:1-15, 2023.
  21. A. Abiad, S.M. Fallat, M. Kempton, R.H. Levene, P. Oblak, H. Smigoc, M. Tait, K. Vander Meulen,
    Bordering of Symmetric Matrices and an Application to the Minimum Number of Distinct Eigenvalues for the Join of Graphs,
    Linear Algebra and Appl., 679:104-126, 2023.
  22. A. Abiad, H. Koerts,
    On the complexity of the k-independence number and the h-diameter of a graph,
    Matematica Contemporanea, 55:30-38, 2023.
  23. A. Abiad, A. Dawar, O. Zapata,
    Descriptive Complexity of Controllable Graphs,
    Procedia Computer Science 223:20-27, 2023.
  24. A. Abiad, L. de Lima, D. Desai, K. Guo, L. Hogben, J. Madrid,
    Positive and Negative Square Energies of Graphs,
    Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 39, 2023.
  25. A. Abiad, L. de Lima, S. Kalantarzadeh, M. Mohammadi, C. Oliveira,
    Bounding the sum of the largest signless Laplacian eigenvalues of a graph,
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 340:315-326, 2023.
  26. A. Abiad, B. Brimkov, S. Hayat, A. Khramova, J.H. Koolen,
    Extending a conjecture of Graham and Lovasz on the distance characteristic polynomial,
    Linear Algebra and Appl., 693:63-82, 2023.
  27. A. Abiad, A. Carmona, A. Encinas, M.J. Jimenez,
    The M-matrix group inverse problem for distance-biregular graphs,
    Computational and Applied Mathematics, 42(158), 2023.
  28. A. Abiad, C. Dalfo, M.A. Fiol, S. Zeijlemaker,
    On inertia and ratio type bounds for the k-independence number of a graph and their relationship,
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 333:96-109, 2023.
  29. A. Abiad, M. De Boeck, W. Castryck, J.H. Koolen, S. Zeijlemaker,
    An infinite class of Neumaier graphs and non-existence results,
    J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 193:105684, 2023.
  30. A. Abiad, S. Akbari, M.H. Fakharan, A. Mehdizadeh,
    A bound for the p-domination number of a graph in terms of its eigenvalue multiplicities,
    Linear Algebra and Appl., 658:319-330, 2022.
  31. A. Abiad, B. Brimkov, J. Breen, T.R. Cameron, H. Gupta, R. Villagran,
    Constructions of cospectral graphs with different zero forcing numbers,
    Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 38, 2022.
  32. A. Abiad, C. Hojny, S. Zeijlemaker,
    Characterizing and computing weight-equitable partitions of graphs,
    Linear Algebra and Appl., 645:30-51, 2022.
  33. A. Abiad, C. Elphick, P. Wocjan,
    Spectral upper bound on the quantum k-independence number of a graph,
    Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 38, 2022.
  34. A. Abiad, C. Alfaro, K. Heysse, M.C. Vargas,
    Codeterminantal graphs,
    Linear Algebra and Appl., 650:1-25, 2022.
  35. A. Abiad, G. Coutinho, M.A. Fiol, B.D. Nogueira, S. Zeijlemaker,
    Optimization of eigenvalue bounds for the independence and chromatic number of graph powers,
    Discrete Math., 345(3):112706, 2022.
  36. A. Abiad, M. Geldmacher, A. Grigoriev,
    The Kaledoiscopic Game of Life,
    Complex Systems, 31(1):1-58, 2022.
  37. A. Abiad, R. Mulas, D. Zhang,
    Coloring the normalized Laplacian for oriented hypergraphs,
    Linear Algebra and Appl., 629:192-207, 2021.
  38. A. Abiad, C. Alfaro,
    Enumeration of cospectral and coinvariant graphs,
    Applied Mathematics and Computation, 408, 2021.
  39. A. Abiad, B. De Bruyn, J. D'haeseleer, J.H. Koolen,
    Neumaier graphs with few eigenvalues,
    Des. Codes Crypt., 90:2003-2019, 2022.
  40. A. Abiad, B. Brimkov, A. Grigoriev,
    On the status sequences of trees,
    Theoretical Computer Science, 856:110-120, 2021.
  41. A. Abiad, A. Grigoriev, S. Niemzok,
    Printed Circuit Boards Isomorphism: an Experimental Study,
    Computers&Industrial Engineering, 148:106715, 2020.
  42. A. Abiad, S. Gribling, D. Lahaye, M. Mnich, G. Regts, L. Vena, G. Verweij, P. Zwaneveld,
    On the complexity of solving a decision problem with flow-depending costs: the case of the IJsselmeer dikes,
    Discrete Opt., 37:100565, 2020.
  43. A. Abiad,
    A characterization and an application of weight-regular partitions of graphs,
    Linear Algebra and Appl., 569:164-174, 2019.
  44. A. Abiad, S. Butler, W.H. Haemers,
    Graph switching, 2-ranks, and graphical Hadamard matrices,
    Discrete Math., 342(10):2850-2855, 2019.
  45. A. Abiad, G. Coutinho, M.A. Fiol,
    On the k-independence number of graphs,
    Discrete Math., 342(10):2875-2885, 2019.
  46. A. Abiad, B. Brimkov, X. Martinez-Rivera, J. Zhang, S. O,
    Spectral bounds for the connectivity of regular graphs of given order,
    Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 34:428-443, 2018.
  47. A. Abiad,
    A characterization of weight-regular partitions of graphs,
    Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 69:293-298, 2018.
  48. A. Abiad, G. Aalipour, Z. Berikkyzy, L. Hogben, F.H.J. Kenter, J.C.-H. Lin, M. Tait,
    Proof of a conjecture of Graham and Lovasz concerning unimodality of coefficients of the distance characteristic polynomial of a tree,
    Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 34:373-380, 2018.
  49. A. Abiad, B. Brimkov, A. Erey, L. Leshock, X. Martinez-Rivera, S. O, S.-Y. Song, J. Williford,
    On the Wiener index, distance cospectrality and transmission regular graphs,
    Discrete Appl Math, 230:1-10, 2017.
  50. A. Abiad, Q. Yang, J.H. Koolen,
    An application of Hoffman graphs for spectral characterizations of graphs,
    Electron. J. Comb., 24(1):#P1.12, 2017.
  51. A. Abiad, S. Cioaba, M. Tait,
    Spectral bounds for the k-independence number of a graph,
    Linear Algebra and Appl., 510:160-170, 2016.
  52. A. Abiad and 9 coauthors,
    On the Distance Spectra of Graphs,
    Linear Algebra and Appl., 497:66-87, 2016.
  53. A. Abiad, W.H. Haemers,
    Switched symplectic graphs and their 2-ranks,
    Des. Codes Crypt., 81(1):35-41, 2016.
  54. A. Abiad, E.R. van Dam, M.A. Fiol,
    Some Spectral and Quasi-Spectral Characterizations of Distance-Regular Graphs,
    J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 143:1-18, 2016.
  55. A. Abiad, A.E. Brouwer, W.H. Haemers,
    Godsil-McKay switching and isomorphism,
    Electron. J. Linear Algebra, 28:4-11, 2015.
  56. A. Abiad, M.A. Fiol, W.H. Haemers, G. Perarnau,
    An Interlacing Approach for Bounding the Sum of Laplacian Eigenvalues of Graphs,
    Linear Algebra and Appl., 34:11-21, 2014.
  57. A. Abiad, C. Dalfo, M.A. Fiol,
    Algebraic Characterizations of Regularity Properties in Bipartite Graphs,
    European J. Combin., 34(8):1223-1231, 2013.
  58. A. Abiad, W.H. Haemers,
    Cospectral graphs and regular orthogonal matrices of level 2,
    Electron. J. Comb., 19(3):#P13, 2012.
  59. A. Abiad, N. Ferrer-Anglada, V. Lloveras, J. Vidal-Gancedo, S. Roth,
    Electron spin resonance study of single-walled carbon nanotubes,
    Physica status solidi (b), 248:2564-2567, 2011.
  60. A. Abiad, N. Ferrer-Anglada, S. Roth,
    Electron spin resonance on single-walled carbon nanotubes obtained from different sources,
    Physica status solidi (b), 247:2823-2826, 2010.

Conference proceedings

  1. A. Abiad, N. van de Berg, R. Simoens,
    Switching methods for the construction of cospectral graphs,
    Delia Garijo Royo, David Orden Martin and Francisco Santos Leal (eds.). Discrete Mathematics Days 2024. Editorial Universidad de Alcala, Alcala de Henares 2024, 315 p.
  2. A. Abiad, J. D'haeseleer, R. Simoens,
    Cospectral generalized Johnson and Grassmann graphs,
    Discrete Mathematics Days 2022. Tabera Alonso, L. (ed.). Editorial Universidad de Cantabria: Santander, p. 335.
  3. A. Abiad, B. Brimkov, S. Hayat, A. Khramova, J.H. Koolen,
    Extending a conjecture of Graham and Lovasz on the distance characteristic polynomial,
    Discrete Mathematics Days 2022. Tabera Alonso, L. (ed.). Editorial Universidad de Cantabria: Santander, p. 335.
  4. A. Abiad, M.A. Fiol, W.H. Haemers, G. Perarnau,
    An Interlacing Approach for Bounding the Sum of Laplacian Eigenvalues of Graphs,
    The seventh European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications: EuroComb 2013.

PhD thesis

  1. A. Abiad,
    Spectral Characterizations of Graphs,
    Ph.D. thesis, Tilburg University, June 2015.